Sunday, September 20, 2009

Travel: Las Vegas Best Hotels

In 2001, fresh from a $200 million dollar renovation, The Desert Inn imploded into a towering cloud of dust, courtesy of its new owner Steve Wynn. In its place now stands his flagship enterprise, a massive jade arc that contains a rear-projection waterfall and a Maserati dealership. Make way for the new.

Last year, 40 million visitors spent over forty billion dollars in Las Vegas(you do the math). They stayed in the city’s 135,000 hotel rooms at an occupancy rate approaching ninety percent – that rate hovered in the high nineties on weekends. Room rates in Las Vegas are still relatively low—around $120 dollars.

But when you’re deciding on a hotel in Vegas, a decent room rate only answers one part of a larger question. Namely—what are you in the mood for?

Credit: Gabe Weisert, Frobes Traveller


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