Saturday, October 24, 2009

Zarganar's joke "Prayer from Burma"

Credit: By Kaung Kin Pyar, MoeMaKa News.

In Burma, among Burmese people, we have variety of prayers for our Buddhist religion. But in those tiring days, came a new kind of prayer for our true believers.

The story goes like this; while one of the renowned comedian, ZarGaNar, was arrested for his participation in recent monks' boycott to the Burmese junta, he was continuously harassed and interrogated by the army officers at the unknown location.

Then at one point, one of the military intelligence officer asked "Do you still have any jokes left for us, now?"

Replied the comedian "Do not disturb, I am praying."

"Who will answer your prayer after we have taken care of all the monks on the streets" asked the officer.

The comedian then slowly explained as follows;

"Here is a new prayer for our Buddhists. It goes like this –

We pray for Buddha …

We pray for Dhamma …

But you guy (the army and the generals) prey on our Sangha (with guns and bullets)…

May we all be in peace …"

Soon after he finished his new prayer, there came a big smoke out of nowhere making the military officers disappeared and then the comedian was found back at his home (safe and sound) still praying his new summon.

So to make our story short, let's all the Burmese Buddhists all over the world pray the new powerful prayer to make a better change and better future of our Burma.


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