Thursday, September 24, 2009

Saffaron Revolution Remembered Two Years Later

"Saffron Revolution, 2007"

August 15: Junta Removes fuel subsidies. Diesel doubles in price while gas jumps 500 percent.
August 27: Five hundred people protest in Pegu.
August 28: Three hundre monks from Sittwe began a protest calling for the release of detained student leaders.
Sept. 5: Burmese military regime broke up peaceful demonstrations by monks in Pakokku, injuring three.
Sept. 6: The monks in Pakokku took officials hostage and demanded an apology from the regime by Sep 17.
Sept. 17: Burmese military refused to apologize. All Burma Monks association called for a boycott on alms from officials.
Sept.24: monks took to the streets in main cities, people joined forces and demonstrations grew to nearly 100,000 in Rangoon alone; the largest since 1988 nationwide protests.The junta imposes curfews and bans on gatherings. It later acknowledges arresting some 3,000 people.
Sept.26: The military's patience ran out. It launched a brutal crackdown, shooting and beating the protesters into submission.
Sept.27: At least 30 people were dead and thousands of monks were imprisoned or fled the country. But the Saffaron Revolution spirit never died.

Photos Credits: AltSean, Reuters, Getty Images, Flickr, Google


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